
Have you recently successfully eliminated gingivitis or periodontal disease from your mouth and gums?

If so, you may feel relieved and satisfied with the current state of your oral health. Your teeth are now free of plaque and tartar, and you might believe that you won’t need to visit your dentist for another year. However, this assumption is incorrect.

Many patients are unaware that maintaining proper periodontal health is crucial to prevent the recurrence of gum disease. Periodontal maintenance is a routine procedure that needs to be performed at specific intervals following treatments like scaling and root planing. This maintenance procedure involves the removal of plaque and tartar, as well as scaling, tooth planing, and polishing. The frequency of periodontal maintenance required will be determined by your dentist.

A frenulum refers to a tissue that restricts the movement of an organ. In the case of your mouth, there are two frenula: one connecting the upper lip to the gums, and another connecting the lower lip to the gums. When a frenulum is excessively short or thick, it can lead to issues with speech patterns and misalignment of the teeth. In infants, a shortened frenulum beneath the tongue can hinder breastfeeding. When the frenulum hampers movement, growth, or development, corrective measures become necessary.

A frenectomy is a minor surgical procedure that takes place in a dentist’s office. It can be performed using a scalpel or a laser and usually takes less than 15 minutes. Laser treatment causes minimal bleeding and does not require stitches. It also leads to reduced postoperative discomfort and a faster healing process. For young children and infants, the procedure is conducted under general anesthesia, while adults receive local anesthesia. If your child requires a frenectomy, there is no need to worry. The procedure is highly successful and causes minimal discomfort.

Do you experience discomfort in your jaw upon waking up?

When you bite down, does your jaw feel unbalanced or asymmetrical? If you’re nodding in agreement, it might be time to consider an occlusal adjustment.

An occlusal adjustment is a procedure aimed at correcting the alignment of your bite, which can be disrupted by factors like loose teeth, shifting teeth, crowded teeth, or missing teeth. The goal is to achieve a well-balanced bite that eliminates any uneven pressure within the mouth. By achieving proper alignment, your teeth will meet harmoniously. Fortunately, an occlusal adjustment is a relatively painless procedure that only entails minimal discomfort. It involves using a dental drill with a fine filing stone to make precise modifications. Additionally, removable mouthguards may be employed to safeguard the tooth surface and relax the jaw muscles once the adjustment is complete.

Wondering if you’re a good candidate for an occlusal adjustment? Individuals with loose or shifting teeth often experience an improper bite. Likewise, those who grind or clench their teeth may have an uneven bite and inconsistent distribution of pressure in the mouth, both of which can be addressed through an occlusal adjustment. In certain cases, tooth sensitivity can even be alleviated as the treatment reduces pressure on sensitive teeth.

Thanks to advanced technology, dentists can now accurately identify areas requiring adjustment. Through a computer scan of your mouth, hundreds of bite registrations per minute are recorded, highlighting even the slightest irregularity. This data enables the dentist to focus solely on the necessary adjustments, ensuring a well-aligned bite and minimizing tooth wear.

If you suspect that an occlusal adjustment could benefit you, we recommend scheduling an appointment with your dentist today.

Experiencing discomfort from loose teeth can be quite unsettling, especially when attempting to eat or chew gum. The sensation of the tooth separating from the gum can send shivers down your spine. It feels like an eternity, waiting for the tooth to either loosen further for extraction or regain enough strength to no longer pose a problem.

Loose teeth can occur due to various factors such as gum tissue loss, injury, orthodontic treatment, or pressure resulting from tooth misalignment. Fortunately, a modern technique known as periodontal splinting offers a solution by binding weak teeth together, transforming them into a unified and stable unit that is stronger than each individual tooth on its own. This procedure is commonly performed on the front teeth and involves using composite material to attach or “splint” the loose teeth to adjacent stable teeth. Tooth splinting has become a popular and effective method.

Life is too precious to tolerate loose teeth.

Don’t hesitate to contact our office today for a consultation and take the first step towards resolving this issue.

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, operates in a stealthy manner. It initiates as plaque, a translucent film on the teeth that solidifies into tartar. As tartar accumulates, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, which attack the soft tissue surrounding the gums. This early stage is called gingivitis. If left untreated, gingivitis progresses to periodontitis, a condition that not only damages the gum tissue but also affects the bone supporting the teeth. Unfortunately, aside from bad breath and bleeding gums, there are few early warning signs. The disease silently advances, often without pain, leading to tooth loss without apparent cause.

Tooth loss, although prominent, is merely one of the visible consequences of gum disease. Extensive scientific research has revealed connections between gum disease and serious conditions like stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and even an increased risk for pregnant women. When your gums become diseased, it compromises your entire immune system.

In the past, the fear of undergoing painful dental surgery deterred individuals with gum disease from seeking the necessary care. Thankfully, those days are now firmly in the past.

Gingivitis is a progressive disease that, if left untreated, can lead to significant deterioration of both teeth and gums. The mere mention of gingivitis can instill fear in the minds of patients. However, the reality is that the treatment is straightforward and conducted right in the comforting environment of your dentist’s office.

When plaque and tartar accumulate on the teeth, they create an environment that promotes the growth and multiplication of bacteria. These bacteria cause inflammation and bleeding of the gums, which becomes more noticeable during brushing or sometimes while eating. These are early signs of gingivitis. Fortunately, gingivitis can be easily treated by a dental hygienist who will perform scaling and polishing of the teeth. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress, requiring root planing. Scaling involves the removal of dental tartar from the tooth surface, while root planing focuses on smoothing the root surfaces and eliminating infected tooth structures.

Scaling and root planing, a non-surgical procedure, is typically performed without the need for anesthesia in the dentist’s office. While the procedure is usually painless, in advanced stages of gingivitis, numbing the area may be necessary to ensure complete comfort. Deep scaling and root planing are typically carried out in one section of the mouth per appointment. This approach allows for adequate healing time and reduces the duration of each visit.